My Graduation project for Articulate Storyline course
This is the final project I made for the Articulate Storyline course that I have studied in the last 3 months. It’s a practical project-based course that helped me upskill myself from Beginner to Upper-intermediate

Before & After Effect: Ben Thanh Market
This is a project I made to apply Scrolling Panel and Slider functions in Articulate Storyline. I got the inspiration from: Elearning Challenges #355 Showing Before and After Comparisons in E-Learning Joanna Kurpiewska’s project about

Meet the Team Interaction
This project was created in response to Elearning Challenge #342 on Elearning Heroes Community. I got the inspiration from Jodi Sansone’s beautiful project and create my own version with some twists. For this project, I

Làm video hoạt hình bằng công cụ Vyond – Animated Videos with Vyond
Vyond là một công cụ rất thú vị để làm các video hoạt hình một cách tiện lợi và nhanh chóng. Đây là một công cụ thuộc dạng hơi cao cấp trong giới e-elearning vì

Drag and Drop Interactions
Tools I used: Articulate Storyline, Powerpoint, Adobe Illustrator